对火星轨道变化问题的最后解释(1 / 16)

死在火星上 天瑞说符 4417 字 2021-04-17





&nter&nns and staf pary&nrbits &nur&nr syste


e present the results&nf&nter nurical&nns&nf pary&nrns&nver 109 yr tispans&n all ne ps. a quick&nn&nf&nur nurical data&ns that the pary&nn, at least &nur siple dynaical&ndel, sees&n be quite stable &nver &n tispan. &nser&nk at &nestfrequency&nns&n &npass filter&ns &ntentially diffive character&nf terrestrial pary&nn, especially &nf rcury. the&nur&nf the eentricity&nf rcury &nur&nns is qualitatively siir&n the results&n jacques skar's secur&nn&nry&n. eax~ &nver ~± &nyr.&never, there &n parent secur creases&nf eentricity&nr&nn &nrbital elents&nf the ps, hich ay be revealed by&nerter nurical&nns. e have&n&nrd &nuple&nf trial&nns&n&nns&nf &nuter five ps&nver the&nn&nf ± 5 x 1010 yr. the result dicates that the three&nr&nnances the &n syste have been ataed&nver the 1011yr tispan.


&nn&nf &nble

the&nn&nf the staf&nur&nr syste has been dever several hundred years, sce the &nf&nn. &nble has attracted any&n atheaticians&nver the years and has pyed a central&nle the&npnt&nf&nnlear dynaics and&ns&nry.&never, &n&nt yet have a defite anser&n the&nn&nf hether&nur&nr syste is star&nt. this is partly